Voices for Children Foundation - Yakima, WA

Make a Diiference in a Child's Life.
Wishes and Needs Funds

Wishes and Needs Fund

What is the Wishes and Needs Fund?

Enriching the lives of children who lack the resources for anything beyond the very basics of life, Voices for Children Foundation’s Wishes and Needs Fund helps children in dependency move beyond crisis. By providing funding for items such as sporting equipment, swimming lessons, musical instruments, karate, driver’s education, and summer camp, the Wishes and Needs Fund seeks to inspire and elevate. Wishes and Needs are fulfilled using a combination of cash contributions and in-kind donations.

Special areas of focus help to specifically target resources where they are most needed. Our Kids’ Closet has been developed with the goal to give children a choice when they feel they have no choices in their lives. This initiative matches children displaying a particular need with sponsoring donors who fund and accompany them on a shopping trip to allow the children to pick out their own new clothes, shoes, or athletic apparel. The result is a child whose need has been met and who has been allowed to have a say, and a donor with an incredibly rewarding experience and the knowledge that they have made a difference in the life of a child.

Similarly, our Technology Fund was developed to address the ever-increasing technology needs necessary for today’s student to be successful. We supply children in dependency with such items as special calculators for advanced math, refurbished computers for participation in online classes, and materials for science fairs. Help us empower children – make a donation today, or contact us to see how you can help with our Wishes and Needs Fund!

Voices for Children Foundation
PO Box 1373 | Yakima, WA 98907 | 509.225.0335


United Way